Book Bannings: Seeking Sanity in a Dangerous Time
As book bannings escalate, we look at the real issues underpinning these movements, and provide advice for writers worried about being caught in the crossfire.Kidlit Social #82: The Texas Librarians Spearheading a New Anti-Censorship Movement
Meet Carolyn Foote & Becky Calzada, two Texas school librarians who, along with librarian Nancy Jo Lambert, are the founders of #FReadom Fighters, a grassroots advocacy group supporting librarians, teachers, students and authors in the raging fight against censorship.
Kidlit Social #79: Chris Barton on Supporting Teachers & Free Expression in the Classroom
On this episode, Laura welcomes Chris Barton, author of 23 books including the New York Times Bestseller Shark vs. Train. Chris discusses a vitally important topic: How authors can actively support libraries, teachers and free expression in the classroom.
He also offers tips for writing compelling fiction and nonfiction picture books, and share insights into the creation of his newest books Moving Forward: From Space-Age Rides to Civil Rights Sit-Ins with Airman Alton Yates, How to Make a Book (About My Dog) and Fire Truck vs. Dragon.
Kidlit Distancing Social #48 Replay: Crafting Speculative Fiction & Graphic Novels w/Jennifer Brody (a.k.a. Vera Strange)
In this episode, we welcome Jennifer Brody (a.k.a. Vera Strange) the award-winning author of ten books, including The 13th Continuum trilogy, the Disney Chills book series, and the Stoker Finalist graphic novel Spectre Deep 6 and 200 with Eisner-winning artist and syndicated cartoonist Jules Rivera, prompting Forbes to call Brody “a star in the graphic novel world.”
Laura and Jennifer talk about writing speculative fiction for middle grade and young adult, and what’s happening in the exciting graphic novel market.
Kidlit Distancing Social #11 – Patrice Williams Marks on How Sensitivity Readers Can Help Writers
Author, screenwriter and sensitivity reader Patrice Williams Marks shares how all writers can respectfully and constructively become part of a new global discussion on fairness, equality and justice for all.
What is a Sensitivity Reader and Why Would I Need One?
In today’s diverse publishing environment, getting everything right is vital. Here’s a modern solution – the Sensitivity Reader.
How One Man’s Simple Idea Changed the Way the World Reads
Is it possible for one “regular” person to truly change the world? To bring hope and connection to millions? When Todd Bol built a small, schoolhouse-shaped box for his mom – so she could share her favorite books with her neighbors — he wasn’t intending to create global change. But it happened. Today, 77,000+ […]
Traditional Writer Versus Indie Writer
Traditional writers and indie writers need to stop competing and instead support each other. In the end, everyone benefits.
Why I Write Teen Books with Diverse Characters
A young adult author and former teacher writes about the kids he knows best – kids of color, gay kids, marginalized kids, poor kids, kids with disabilities, gang members, and incarcerated kids – because he wants all youth to see themselves represented in a positive light within the pages of teen literature.
We Need More Diverse Books!
Self-published author Tracy Bryan makes the case for more diverse books for children.