The Keys to Kindle Picture Book Success - Day 3 of 4

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Here’s Laura with answers to your most pressing questions:



Day 1

Day 2


Enter your comments or questions below. And be sure to check your email tomorrow for the link to the next video. It’s a really important one!

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    Jeanne Moran
    10 years ago

    Does Apple have similar picture book maker software which can be used with an ipad?

    Linda Todd
    Linda Todd
    10 years ago

    Thank you for introducing us to Kindle Kids Book Creator. When you did, I had 3 books basically ready and started posting them right away.
    The 1st one “Rainbow Fruit Salad” I posted quickly and easily.
    The 2nd book, “5 Little Duckies Washing in the Tub”, I thought went well, I got it posted without too much trouble, I bought a copy myself and then told my friends and family. Soon I got a call from a friend who bought a copy of it but told me that some of the pictures were up side down. I looked at my copy that was fine the day before and saw that it had some pages up side down also. I quickly took the book off sale and spent a couple of days trying to fix it. It looks fine when posted but then some pages turned again. I then posted a 3 rd book. “The Shapes Of Christmas”. I spent a couple of days on that on. Again, it looked ok until it went live. After that I got so frustrated I hid those 2 books so they won’t be sold with up side down pages but I’m totally at a loss for a reason why that happened.
    I do know that when I posted the first one (the only one that worked) the program I did it in looked totally different than the KKBC program that I used for the 2nd two but I thought they just changed it. Now I believe that it might have been a different program but I can’t find it in my computer history. Since I was getting most of my information from your great news letter, maybe you might know what program it might have been? I was so excited about this but now I’m very frustrated. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Linda Todd

    10 years ago

    No they do not.

    I am having difficulty getting the format conversion of my children’s book correct.

    And it does not have illustrations.

    I contacted the company and they told me that this is a DIY program for PC users and could not help.

    They had instructions for Mac users but I had difficulty with them, too.

    10 years ago

    Do publishers ever sigh ebooks for print? Or they frown upon them and would never publish from an ebook?

    I have an I pad and you can get a kindle app to read on iPad

    Would you recommend hiring a programmer to put book together if you are not technical to make it look more professional ?

    Laura Backes
    10 years ago
    Reply to  mich


    Yes, we’re reading more and more about authors who self-published (both in ebook and print formats), gained a good following, and then were approached by publishers and offered a publishing contract. It varies from house to house, of course, but self-publishing does not take you out of the running for getting published traditionally as it did in the past.

    The KDP Kids’ Book Creator software is very easy to use and designed for people who do not want to hire a professional programmer. Try downloading it and take a look at it yourself.

    10 years ago

    I am looking forwaard to wat you have to say tomorrow. Hope the price is doable.It sounds veryexciting.. How publishing has changed!

    10 years ago

    The fact that we could still be published traditionally through kindle mastery is good news.
    It’s like putting your foot at the door. Thanks Laura!

    Rachael H.
    Rachael H.
    10 years ago

    Again, thank you so much for your great videos. I gleaning nice bits of info and you are so easy to listen to! I did have a question about how those top books land those top featured spots on Amazon’s page. Is it simply by popularity/number of books sold? Do Amazon staffers select books to feature? How often does that list of featured books change? I worry about how to AVOID getting buried in the masses!! Thanks again for sharing your wisdom and insights! 🙂

    Laura Backes
    10 years ago
    Reply to  Rachael H.


    My observations have been that when I log into Amazon, the types of featured books I see are similar to books I’ve searched for in the past. So my guess is that Amazon “learns” what you like from previous searches, and highlights books you might also like. In addition, I think books that have been selling well and/or have a substantial number of 4 and 5 star reviews also move to the top of the list. So the keywords you choose when you upload your Kindle book are important. You want your books to come up in the same searches as the best-selling books that have similar subjects to yours, and are for the same age group. How do you test this? First, determine the top sellers in your category (Amazon will list books by Top Selling). Then, do a bunch of key word searches and see when those books come up. Incorporate the successful key words into the list for your own book.

    Ros Billingsley
    Ros Billingsley
    10 years ago

    Could you tell me please if the books you create on Kindle for sale on Amazon are stored on your own computer until ready and posted to Amazon or if you are working daily on a cloud or some base outside your own computer?

    Laura Backes
    10 years ago

    Good question Ros! Your book is stored on your computer until you are ready to upload it to Amazon.

    Lilia Westmore
    10 years ago

    Hi Laura,

    Your presentation is getting me excited. I’m looking forward to your next video. I wonder: I have two possible works (which I think may not be acceptable?); one is a short story and the other one is an 8-stanza poem for 6-7 year olds. Should I dare self-publish one or the other?

    I shall look forward to your next presentation.



    Jacqueline Piepenhagen
    10 years ago

    Thanks for the great input thus far! It has answered many of my questions already.

    Sheri R
    10 years ago

    Thank you for all you do to encourage us to write. I have been wanting to try one of your
    bootcamps in the past. I like this idea that I don’t need an illustrator picked for me by a
    publisher and can publish without waiting and sending in so many manuscripts and never hearing again or hearing immediately that it does not fit their needs. There is hope out there if we just revise and revise and craft something worthwhile.

    10 years ago

    Thanks a million times over. Who would believe that it was possible to learn so much in such a short time.

    10 years ago

    Got a sneak peek into the software and would like to explore more.


    9 years ago

    All the juices are flowing, and I can barely contain my excitment; I eagerly await next video,
    Thanks Laura

    Arlene Hibbler
    9 years ago

    Great information to be had. Thanks so much. I missed this video yesterday because the link sent me to the insider website where I saw another video. Still great info.
    I have a question. Since I already have self-published my books, would I need the Picture Book Mastery course or go directly to Kindle and download? Tell me what my advantages would be?

    Ernie Rosenberg
    9 years ago

    Hi Laura,

    Once I’ve gotten the MOBI file how do I deliver it a potential customer or reviewer?

    How do I give a copy away for free?

    Can I also get an EPUB file for Apple devices?

    Laura Backes
    9 years ago


    There are several ways to give away a copy of your book. They are discussed on this thread:

    If you are in the KDP Select program, be sure not to post the book on your website where it can be downloaded by anyone (even if they’re paying for the book), as Amazon has exclusive distribution rights to your book for 90 days. But as far as I know, it’s OK to directly send free copies of your .mobi file to reviewers, which they can read on a Kindle or a PC with a Kindle app.

    Also, if you’re looking for people to post customer reviews of your book on Amazon (the ones with 1-5 stars in the reviews), only people who purchase the book through Amazon can post a review. But if you’re wanting to get reviews on blogs, then you can send review copies to those bloggers.

    Here is a link to a program that converts MOBI files to EPUB: I’ve never used it, but you can try it. Let me know if it works!

    9 years ago

    Another informative video! Thanks so much. I am a bit anxious over the comments of the user whose picture book pages were upside down. Perhaps there is a way of ensuring that does not happen?

    Joyce Richardson
    Joyce Richardson
    9 years ago

    I’m very encouraged, Laura. Thank you for all the time and effort you and Jon have invested to help writers get published. Not only here but also over the years through CBI.

    Jane Buttery
    9 years ago

    Again, you reveal so much that opens one’s eyes to marketing books. Thanks again Laura;this was avery clear presentation.

    9 years ago

    I am so excited to do this! I’m having to reel myself in to keep from jumping in too soon! 😀 Fine tuning the art in my book but OH MAN I CAN’T WAIT!! LOL I really appreciate the videos… they are like the carrot before a horse tho! lol Can’t wait for the next and last video

    kath unsworth
    9 years ago

    I am so excited about having a go at this I have downloaded the app and am working hard on my illustrations, buts as any illustrator knows good illustrations take time. So if I don’t take the course straight away, I hope I can join at a later date. Look forward to your wrap up tomorrow. As someone who has been working on this picture book for about two years now and thinking it will never see the light of day…you have changed my mindset on this.

    Tessa Kruger
    9 years ago

    Thanks again Laura. It’s a shame you are so far. I would have like to have a nice cup of tea with you. Looking forward to nr. 4.

    9 years ago

    It gets exciting each time. Can’t wait for the last one. I’m excited to see the editing part. Thanks Laura.

    9 years ago

    Thank you again. Looking forward to Day 4.

    Rick Jantz
    Rick Jantz
    9 years ago

    Hi. This course looks fantastic. I just want to confirm that it’s still relevant and useable. It’s October, 2015. Thanks.

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