An essential workshop for children's & YA writers
of all experience levels.
Price stated will include $20 presale discount!
What do you call a manuscript without effective conflict?
On October 26th, learn how to master the essential technique that has been at the core of great fiction for millennia.
Since the dawn of mankind, conflict has been
the essential element of storytelling.
Cave painting, Lascaueux, France. c. 13,000 BC.
Let's travel thousands of years into the distant past.
A shaggy group of men, women and children sit around a large fire. Through the smoke, they listen to the words of the clan's storyteller.
They hear stories of great hunts, fierce battles, astonishing miracles and the bravest of acts.
The clan is riveted, hanging on every word, desperate to find out what happens next.
Now, fast-forward to the present day.
A young reader sits glued to her book, ignoring the activity around her. She eagerly turns each page, desperate to find out what happens next.
Connected across millennia, this young reader and her distant ancestors are under the spell of the oldest, most powerful and most necessary of storytelling techniques.
The conflict in your story needn't be an angry one. Or a violent one. Or even one that is noticeable to your characters.
But it MUST be there.
Your characters must overcome obstacles. It could be the weather. Or rules. Or time. Or their emotions. Or the annoying kid next door.
Whatever the source of conflict, it is essential that your characters don't just cruise blithely and easily through your story. Because, without that conflict, you don't really have a story. Just a recounting of events.
And simple recountings of events don't get published.
Meet Todd Mitchell, writing professor and award-winning author of young adult, middle grade fiction and graphic novels.
Todd's books are true page-turners, crackling with tension. That's because he's a master at seeding his work with conflict. Or, as Todd likes to call it, "Getting my characters into, and out of, trouble."
Until now, only his students in the Colorado State University writing program were privy to his techniques for employing the right conflicts to craft thrilling stories.
But, on Wednesday, October 26th (with lifetime on-demand replay) that changes. And you are invited to be part of it all.
Join us for...
No Conflict, No Story:
A Masterclass on Getting Your Characters Into — and Out Of — Trouble
In this hands-on workshop, Todd will take you step-by-step through the process of creating conflict in your story, using it to transform characters and keeping readers glued to the page.
Think the types of stories you write don't need conflict?
Think again.
With the exception of certain alphabet books or board books for babies, virtually every type of fiction requires conflict.
From Picture Books through Young Adult (and beyond) conflict is an absolute necessity that needs to be understood, mastered and put into practice by all fiction writers.
On the 26th, you're going to learn how to do all of these things - and more.
During this 90+ minute workshop, Todd will show you simple techniques to raise the stakes of your story, and turn a flat character arc into a journey that will capture the hearts and imaginations of your readers
If you write children's fiction — or are just considering it — this workshop is, quite simply, essential.
We invite you to join us for:
No Conflict, No Story:
A Masterclass on Getting Your Characters Into - and Out Of- Trouble
Your Instructor: Todd Mitchell
Todd is an award-winning author of young adult, middle grade fiction and graphic novels, and an associate professor and director of creative writing pedagogy at Colorado State University.
His published work includes:
The Traitor King (Scholastic, Todd Mitchell Books)
The Secret to Lying (Candlewick Press)
Backwards (Candlewick Press)
The Last Panther (Yearling)
The Naming Girl (Owl Hollow Press)
Breakthrough: How to Overcome Doubt, Fear and Resistance to Be Your Ultimate Creative Self (Owl Hollow Press)
He lives "in a pointy green house in Fort Collins with a hyper dog, extremely cool wife, and two wise daughters".
Wednesday, October 26th
From the comfort of your home
Price stated will include $20 presale discount!
Wednesday, October 26th (with lifetime on-demand replay):
Unlock the key to mastering the essential tool of storytelling: Conflict.
On October 26th, join award-winning author and writing professor Todd Mitchell for a 90 minute+ workshop that will give you the knowledge, tools and inspiration to infuse every story you write with narrative tension, emotional investment and memorable character journeys.
In this comprehensive class you'll learn:
...and much more.
That's a lot of powerful information in one workshop, and you can count on Todd to make it all easy to follow and easy to put directly into action.
You'll also get two fillable PDF handouts to identify and develop the seeds of conflict as it relates to character and plot:
It's going to be an fabulous workshop. So join us on October 26th (with next-day, on-demand replay).
This session is pure instruction, it's complete (nothing more to buy afterward) and nothing additional will be sold.
Your purchase includes a PDF takeaway and lifetime access to the video replay.
The cost for everything is just $47! Like any of our CBI Essentials Workshops, it will be among the best investments you make this year in developing your writing craft and career.
Please note — this special price is only for folks who register now. Once the class takes place and the recording is put up for sale to everyone else, the price will go up to $67.
Even if you can't make it live, buying now will lock you in for the lifetime replay at this one-time-only price.
Reserve your $47 spot now by clicking below:
Price stated will include $20 presale discount!
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